Accelerating the Energy Transition - Tripling Up in a VUCA World
Welcome to the 2024 BV Energy Transition Survey. In this year’s survey we’re tackling fundamental questions: How to triple the world’s renewable energy capacity before 2030 in a world dominated by vulnerabilities, uncertainties, complexities and ambiguities (VUCA)? Are major barriers to acceleration of the energy transition improving or worsening? Will the energy transition significantly increase energy security around the world? Which VUCAs pose the biggest threats to the energy transition in the next 3 years? …and more!
Now in its second year, the survey brings together Bureau Veritas clients and other experts from around the world to share their views on the barriers that need to be removed to keep accelerating the energy transition and meet the world’s need for secure, sustainable, and affordable energy. Have YOUR say as an energy industry expert by taking the survey today.
The survey is anonymous, should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and the aggregated results will be shared to participants for their valuable input.